Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 in Photos

As the year is coming to an end, I am thrilled to share my highlights in 2015 captured in the photographs above!

1: On the way to an ocean park in Jakarta located in Ancol called the Ocean Dream Samudra to watch dolphins perform. They were brilliant!

2: Big brunch at Tous les Jours! Irresistible.

3: Taken in Bandung, when I visited Dusun Bambu, a family leisure park with a unique restaurant that provides bird nest-like spaces for the visitors to dine in. I got lost on the way there for hours, but it was totally worth it!

4: Got my very first pet! Meet Wool, the adorable fluffy little bunny!

5: David grabbed a couple of tickets to watch a musical performance, Sound of Music, for my birthday. It was awesome. I can’t wait to watch more musical performances next year! (Shrek musical is coming soon by the way)

6: Watched David playing a friendly tennis match!

7: Was having a Christmas dinner until I discovered a cohesive choir singing beautiful Christmas songs between the stunning Christmas trees in Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta.

8: <3

9: Got the chance to get up close to one of my favorite animals, the flamingos, at Batu Secret Zoo in Malang! The zoo was simply breathtaking!

I have to say that 2015 was a fantastic year! Through all the ups and downs along the year, I have learned lots and lots of valuable lessons that give me the courage to officially declare that:


Happy New Year Everyone!!

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